Delmera Emergency Survival Tent: Definitive Review (2025)

Delmera Tube FI

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Top Pick Award Winner

This is our Ultimate TopNotch Delmera Tube Tent Review…

Need to know all you can about the Delmera Tube Tent 2025?

Keep reading and you’ll be one step further in the right direction.

We not only know the ins and outs of this particular survival shelter – we’ve even gone as far as selecting and testing the Top 10 Tube Tents on the market – read all about it in our Definitive Review of the Best Tube Tent.

We’ve gone ahead and pitted each tent against the others to see who’s the king of survival shelters.

You’ll be happy to know the Delmera Tube Tent became our TopNotch Top Pick award winner.

Why exactly?

In this comprehensive guide we’ll answer that question, while providing plenty of helpful information about the Delmera, including:

  • What makes this survival tube a must-have in your gear
  • Can it really hold its own in rough weather?
  • Whether or not you can bet your safety on it
  • And heaps more…

We leave no stone unturned as we dissect value, comfort, warmth, endurance – everything that sets this tent apart from the field.

So without further ado, let’s get to it.

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Value for Money
Ease of Use
Weather resistance
Pack Size
Overall Score
  • Manufacturer: Delmera
  • Capacity:  2
  • Dimensions: 8’ x 5’
  • Material: Mylar
  • Weight: 9.6 oz

Bottom Line : Surprisingly strong for a product packaged extremely small and beautifully portable


  • Large and ultra-lightweight
  • Strong, flexible and tear-resistant mylar


  • Interior condensation build-up

Our Verdict: Delmera Tube Tent

The Delmera Tube Tent, crowned our TopNotch Top Pick for emergency survival shelter tents,  is the epitome of the adage “dynamite comes in small parcels”.

Its makers give special attention to research and design, crafting a lightweight, tightly packed, thick mylar survival tube, providing a sense of security for any camper who cares to carry it.


While we certainly liked the tent’s compact packaging, we weren’t big fans of the condensation that tended to build up in the interior.

But that’s expected; even with the best insulated tents, your body heat will meet colder temperatures outside, resulting in some moisture forming on the interior.

What this does prove however, is that this survival gear reflects body heat quite nicely.

We even think it’s great for emergency sleeping arrangements when you’re stranded out at night.

And the best part?

Don’t let looks deceive you.

This survival shelter can be used over and over again…

Related: 10 Best Tube Tents

Delmera Tube Tent 01
“‘Dynamite comes in small parcels  – Delmera Tube Tent – TopNotch TopPick Award Winner”

Analysis Comparisons and Test Results

Value For Money

The other tube tents in our Top 10 made a good challenge for the Delmara in this metric.

But the margins are not too wide, and there were plenty of other tents in a similar price range.

If you’re not sold on the features and the asking price of this mylar thermal survival tent there’s always 9 other tube tents to consider.

Delmera Tube Tent

Value For Money Rating

ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian
Geertop Tent
UST Tube Tarp
LYN Tube Tent
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter
Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Back 40 Emergency Tent
SE Emergency Tube Tent
Texsport Tent


If you’re looking to make an investment in return for the security you’re after, then the Delmera Tube Tent is your best bet.

Ease Of Use

There are only two ways you can use the Delmera Tube Tent and they’re both pretty straightforward.

First, you can use it as a shelter tent.

Just run your guy lines through the tent and secure it between two trees. Adjust and stake the floor corners down.

Delmera Tube Tent

Ease Of Use Rating

Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Back 40 Emergency Tent
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter
LYN Tube Tent
SE Emergency Tube Tent
UST Tube Tarp
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Texsport Tent
Geertop Tent
ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian

On the other hand:

This emergency survival shelter tent also works much like a sleeping bag. Snuggle in and stay warm for the night (or whatever time of day you need it).

No stress.

No fuss.

No wonder it takes out our top spot for ease of use.

Weather Resistance

We found this survival shelter tent could withstand even the worst weather conditions.

During our testing, we went ahead and tested the Delmera Tube Tent in some serious wind (not quite hurricane-level), to see first hand.

First of all, common sense dictated that we find the most leeward position to set up the tent.

Delmera Tube Tent

Weather Resistance Rating

ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian
Texsport Tent
UST Tube Tarp
Back 40 Emergency Tent
Geertop Tent
SE Emergency Tube Tent
LYN Tube Tent
Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter

This definitely helped.

After securing the ropes with our best Boy Scout knots and pegging the corners down as tightly as possible – without risking any rips – we found the Delmera Tube Tent to be quite sturdy in the wind.

That’s all there is to it!

It even rained and we were as snug as a bug.


The Delmera Tube Tent can be used more than once, although the exact number will vary from camper to camper.

Unfortunately, given our relatively limited testing window, we weren’t able to test for long-term durability.

We managed to use ours three times under relatively stressful conditions, and didn’t notice any particular wear or tear forming.

Delmera Tube Tent

Durability Rating

ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian
LYN Tube Tent
UST Tube Tarp
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Geertop Tent
Texsport Tent
Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Back 40 Emergency Tent
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter
SE Emergency Tube Tent
So with that in mind, the Delmera Tube Tent is made from strong Mylar, which, though thin to the eyes, can cope with pouring rain and still remain bone dry. Its inner aluminium lining keeps the occupant warm by reflecting back body heat. One of the earliest uses of Mylar was in NASA’s Echo 1 satellite balloon and in 2015 – Mylar can also keep beer cold – an added bonus for a camping trip!

Many campers even use Mylar shelter tents as emergency blankets. Talk about versatile!

Last but not least

This survival shelter has sealed seams, which adds to its ability to last longer than other tube shelters in the category.

Pack Size

Our Top Pick always goes to the product that excels in a particular area, even if they don’t perform as well in others.

In this case, when it comes to packed size, the Delmera emergency survival shelter tent fits that bill, providing an excellent shelter for a tiny packed size  – about the size of a can of beans (along with only weighing 9.6 oz!)

Delmera Tube Tent

Pack Size Rating

Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Back 40 Emergency Tent
Geertop Tent
LYN Tube Tent
UST Tube Tarp
ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter
SE Emergency Tube Tent
Texsport Tent

The Delmera Tube Tent topped the list.

How can you beat that?

Our Final Verdict: Delmera Tube Tent

After surviving several gruelling rounds in the ring, the Delmera Tube Tent has earned our TopNotch respect as a small tent with big potential.

It performed above average in pack size and holds its own against worthy competitors.

In good conditions, the Delmera performs very well when it comes to ease of use.

Put another way…

The numbers show the proof that this emergency survival tent ticks all the right boxes in survival shelters –

UST Tube Tarp
LYN Tube Tent
ALPS Mountaineering Tasmanian
Geertop Tent
Back 40 Emergency Tent
Delmera Emergency Survival Tent
Bearhard Emergency Tube Tent
Go Time Gear Life Tent Emergency Shelter
SE Emergency Tent
Texsport Tent

Conclusion: Delmera Emergency Survival Tent

Time to sum up….

By now you should know a thing or two about the Delmera Tube Tent, so let’s wrap it all up and put a bow on it.

Our favorite feature is definitely it’s packed size. The Delmera fits perfectly in your hand and even the smallest camper can bring one along.

We also appreciate the sealed seams. Those go a long way to increasing the durability and weather resistance.

But here’s the thing…..

Like other tents with similar features, condensation build up can be uncomfortable.

Additionally, ease of set up is reduced in windy conditions because of the Delemera’s ultra-light build.

Considering all its features and considering its rating under the ‘performance’ metric, we chose the Delmera Tube Tent as the TopNotch Top Pick product, specifically for its packed size.

To conclude, if you’re looking for a survival shelter that’s light-weight, easy to pack and small enough to carry in your hand without putting a dent in your budget, the Delmera Tube Tent is our best choice for you.

Now we hand the baton over – it’s up to you to make that choice of the best survival tent for your needs.

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